...from the Great-Branch of
'Auguste & Evenie Theriault' [MRIN
1. Jehan
2. Claude
3. Germain
4. Jean
5. Hilarion-Charles
6. Joseph-Charles
7. Anselme
8. Vincent
9. Auguste |
nine generations of this branch lived in Acadia, after 1713,
Nova Scotia.
Journey of the Fifth Generation.
Hilarion-Charles was the last of 11 children of Jean Terriot and
Madeleine Bourg. Although current literature refers to him as
Hilarion, he apparently was called 'Charles' by his family. When
the Great Eviction was launched in 1755, Hilarion was 16 years
old. Aside from his birth in 1739 in Grand Pré, we know little
else about his early life except that he was not deported during
the Great Eviction unlike his older brother, Joseph who
eventually migrated to Louisiana where his descendants live
today. (See MRINs 701, 1167, 1523, 1553, 1557)
Somewhere in Acadia, Hilarion married Jean Beliveau’s daughter,
Marie in 1761. In his book[1], M. J. Alphonse Deveau
postulates that because of the close relationship between the
Belliveau and the Thériault families in Acadia and later in Nova
Scotia, Hilarion and perhaps other members of the Thériault
family were with the Belliveau family in Miramichi and
Restigouche during their years of taking refuge between 1755 and
1761. Eight years later in 1769, we pick up his life in Port
Royal in Baie Ste Marie when his 3 year old son, Charles was
baptised. Apparently, he had not had the opportunity to baptise
him earlier because of the on-going hostilitites with the
English. Around this time, he received his land grant of 200
acres in the Bastarache concession of Anse des Belliveau. His
neighbors were all members of the Belliveau family. Here is an
account of the founding of the Clare district of Baie Sainte
Marie by Bona Arsenault:
first Acadian to take advantage of land grants in the
District of Clare was Joseph Dugas (1738-1823) who
settled in the
in the parish of St. Bernard
with his wife and daughter... Other Acadian families
followed in the spring of 1769 and subsequent years.
They first gave a permit of occupation of land, but it
was not until 1775 that the land was granted. Founding
families are: Amirault, Babin, Belliveau, Boudreau,
Comeau, Deveau, Doucet, Dugas, Gaudet, Guidry LeBlanc
Maillet, Melanson, Robichaud, Saulnier,
Thériault, Thibault, Thibodeau and Trahan.
The founding couple was Hilarion
Charles Thériault and Marie Madeleine Belliveau... "
So, it seems that Hilarion held an important role
in the founding of the Baie Sainte Marie area. In 1801, Hilarion
witnessed a renewal of marriage vows. He was 62. Finally, in
1818 when Father Sigogne surveyed his parish and found
Hilarion’s spouse, Marie living with their son Joseph. He noted
her as the widow of Hilarion; Hilarion had died some time
earlier. (Visit our 'Shores
of Nova Scotia' section to the "Acadian
Word" page for two audio sessions with M. Deveau on the
Thériault's of Baie Sainte Marie.)
The 6th (Joseph-Charles) through the 9th (Auguste) generations
remained in Nova Scotia.
Marie Thériault Shaw is an 11th generation grand-daughter of
Jehan Terriot and our Delegate for the 'Auguste & Evenie
Theriault' Great-Branch. Lawrence Thériault is an 11th
generation grandson of Jehan Terriot and our Associate Delegate
for the branch.
« Les Familles Belliveau et Thériault
de la Nouvelle-Écosse », J. Alphonse Deveau, Rivière aux
Saumons, 1990. ISBN 0-9690866-0-I |