France. The Terriot ancestral village.
It is situated in
the old province of Poitou-Charente about 150 miles from La Rochelle,
a five day ride by oxen. Martaizé lies on a very historical road
from Chinon to Poitiers... This was the road taken by Joan of Arc and her
loyal soldiers to Poitiers during her campaign to deliver France
from the English in 1430. Jehan and Perrine's ancestors in Martaizé
no doubt rallied around Joan of Arc in her victory against the English.
The area around Martaizé
is largely agricultural with the principle crops being wheat, barley, oats
and oil seed. The farm lands are level and rich. Ten to fifteen miles further
north and closer to the Loire River, vineyards are also prominent.
the approach to the Village.Typical
of most European cities or villages, the church is the most prominent building
in the village. The population includes about 100 families. The original
church was destroyed by fire during the 19th century. The existing church
was built as a replacement. The sleepy village is very quiet but
its people are helpful and friendly. |
of the village as we enter... A welcome scene for far-away visitors... |
the signs to Aulnay, the neighboring village believed to be the home of
Jehan Terriot's mother and father, Claude Terriot. Aulnay is about five
miles west of Martaizé. |
church to mark the Village Center of course. Monsieur Le Curé in
Martaizé welcomes all visitors who knock on his courtyard door especially
Terriot's. He is a very energetic man whose favorite past time is
gardening. |
Walls and Stone Houses. The main street that wanders around Martaizé. |
from the Fields. Farming just like back home in Maine and New Brunswick. |
modern home and auto. Although ancient history, architecture and art are
abundant in France, the country is a very modern country with very fine
super highways (AutoRoute), automobiles, modern appliances and yes, even
McDonalds. Martaize is typical of most French villages: quiet, sun-washed,
stone architecture and abundant vegetation and flours. |
of the Ancestral Villages. The neighboring villages of La Chausee and Aulnay
are not far. Our Terriot ancestors also lived in both villages, La Chausee
and Aulnay. The village of Aulnay was named after the Seigneurie D'Aulnay,
the Provincial Estate of Lord Aulnay who played a key role in recruiting
Jehan Terriot for emigration to Acadia. |
Breadbasket. The surrounding farms, fields and crops are very similar to
those raised in New Brunswick and Aroostook County in the state of Maine. |
by Rich Farmland. Beautiful, bountiful farm lands... and expertly maintained
and manicured by the meticulous French farmer. |
and Acadian Museum/Maison de l'Acadie. The church dates to the 11th
century when for many centuries after, it was the only church in the La
Chaussee-Aulnay-Martaizé area. La Chaussee along with Aulnay is
one of the neighboring villages to Martaizé. This church has seen
and has sheltered the early Terriot ancestors during their baptisms,
First Holy Communions, weddings, funerals and other occasions. By
the way, the Mayor of La Chaussee, Monsieur Gigon, also doubles as the
Curator or docent of the museum, La Maison de l'Acadie. See previous
page for a beautiful sketch of this ancient church. |