of the goals of the TERRIOT
ACADIAN FAMILY is to promote the research
of our family's genealogy, and also to involve as many members of the family
in our project. Accordingly, we invite all members of the family and those
related, to consider focusing on a small aspect of our history or
genealogy, study the area thoroughly and report on it here, in this section.
In addition to gaining the experience of researching and writing, all other
members of the family will benefit by the additional information. For those
of you interested in publishing your works, the best and quickest way to
copyright your work is to publish on the Internet.
following papers have been submitted by some of our family members. Those in the
category of 'Reviewed Papers" were reviewed in a 'peer review' internally
or by outside organizations. A click on the link will open the paper. You
may download and/or print the paper for your reading if you wish. To download
and save the paper on your system, right click and select the option
"Save Target As". Security protection is set on the documents to disallow
Conference presentations of
the CMA 2014 Terriot Reunion:
History of Greater Madawaska 1b.
Histoire du Grand Madawaska
Migration of the Thériault Family to Madawaska 2b.
Migration de la famille Thériault au Madawaska
Terriot Reunion Conference Brochure/Souvenir |
These two sets of documents are
bilingual and were presented to the Terriot Reunion of CMA 2014.
'History of Greater Madawaska' was presented by Guy Thériault, Secretary of the
Association des familles Thériaults d'Amerique at the Pohenegamook, QC and the
Fort Kent, Maine venues.
The "Migration of the Thériault Family to
Madawaska" was presented by J. R. Theriault, of the Terriot Acadian Family
Society at the Baker Brook, NB and the Fort Kent, Maine venues. |
Abridged Photo History of St Coeur de Marie Parish |
This document is a compilation of
the photos taken from the Photo Album of the Parish of St Coeur de Marie in
Baker Brook, NB and of some of the photos from the collection of the family of
Joseph Thériault de Baker Brook. |
Destination: Madawaska; Biography of Charles
Terrieau, Acadian Settler |
biography of Charles Terrieau [sic] documents a part of the migration of
the family from Acadia to Québec and then finally to Madawaska region
in the valley of the St-John River in northwest New Brunswick. Published by the
Société historique du Madawaska, Edmundston, NB. Author: J.R.Theriault,
Mar 2009
(This document is
currently the property of the Société historique du Madawaska. Please contact M.
Jacques Albert of the Société to order a copy of the book. For permission to
review the book, please contact the author at |
Le Terriot August 2010 |
Publication of the Association des
familles Thériault d'Amérique. This edition documents the historic gathering on
12 June 2010 in St-Jean Port-Joli, QC of the family to honor Joseph and Agnès
Cormier Terriot. |
Souvenir Book
Thériault Nouvelle-Écosse 2004 |
Published by:
Association des Thériaults de la NÉ |
Thériaults of Nouveau Brunswick |
short history was submitted by Daniel Thériault (Adrien,Leo, Maxime,
Charles), member of the Charles and Méthaïde Thériault
Great-Branch. The article surveys the history of the Thériault's
of New Brunswick from our progenitor, Jehan to the Thériault's of
the late 19th century. The history is well-written and comprehensive. It
identifies the ancestry of the family in all areas of New Brunswick. If
your Thériault origins are New Brunswick, this survey is a very
fine starting point in your research. Daniel's father, the late Adrien
Thériault was our first delegate for the Charles and Méthaïde
Thériault Great-Branch. Author: Daniel
Thériault, Aug
2001 |